Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd (Tokio Marine & Nichido) ABN 80 000 438 291, AFSL 246548 is the insurer and issuer of RAA travel insurance product. The Royal Automobile Association of South Australia Incorporated ABN 90 020 001 807 AR 000228575 (RAA) arranges issuing of RAA travel products on behalf of the insurer, as an authorised representative of the insurer.
The insurer has conducted a review of any pricing or discount promises made in relation to its products. As a result, where applicable, they have undertaken a 'Pricing Promises remediation' and is issuing a refund to the eligible customers, to make things right for its customers, and to ensure it provides financial services efficiently, honestly and fairly according to the relevant laws and regulations. The insurer will be managing the refunds process in their system.